
Readers recommend: songs about mood-changing music | Peter Kimpton | Musique Non Stop


Thursday, August 20, 2015

Readers recommend: songs about mood-changing music | Peter Kimpton

A rush of joy? Or moved to tears? Suggest songs with lyrics that refer to other songs or music that can bring about a change in state of mind or emotion

“As soon as I hear a sound, it always suggests a mood to me,” said Brian Eno. As an artist who works in many forms, including an endlessly shifting visual project created with designer Nick Robertson, 77 Million Paintings, he is an experimentalist fascinated by constantly shifting nuances and states of mind. But all music changes mood to a greater or lesser extent. Our moods are constantly on the move. As often as philosopher and historian Thomas Carlyle put it, with a calm perspective: “There are good and bad times, but our mood changes more often than our fortune.”

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by Peter Kimpton via Electronic music | The Guardian

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