
Pet Shop Boys – Electric: album stream | Musique Non Stop


Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Pet Shop Boys – Electric: album stream

Be among the first to hear the Pet Shop Boys' new album – and let us know what you think of their return to the dancefloor

Here at the Guardian, we were so excited by the Pet Shop Boys' return to the dancefloor that we made Alexis Petridis review Electric, their 12th studio album a week early. "The album relocates a duo last seen sniping from the sidelines – albeit very wittily – at a world that seemed to be moving on without them to the centre of the action: usually a nightclub dancefloor, where they're variously to be found celebrating hedonism to a ferocious rhythm track or gazing, simultaneously lovestruck and a little troubled, at the younger patrons," wrote Alexis.

"When we started work on it, it was more Chris' project really, and we agreed that it wasn't going to be Disco 5," Neil Tennant recently told Popjustice. "But it still had the slight feel of a side project. But then last year we sat down and said, "what is this? Is this the Pet Shop Boys' 12th studio album?" And the answer was: YES IT IS. And there was something rather exciting about bringing out an album – originally it was due to come out in April – eight months after our previous one. David Bowie did it with 'Heroes' and Low, why can't we?"

Now it's your chance to hear it – though sadly this player will not work for readers in the US. Let us know what you think.

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