
First Play: Pet Shop Boys, Electric | Musique Non Stop


Monday, July 8, 2013

First Play: Pet Shop Boys, Electric

It's been more than 30 years since Neil Tennant and Chris Lowe first met in an electronics shop in London, England, but the synthesizers remain. Their love of dance music hasn't diminished either. Pet Shop Boys' new album, Electric, which arrives on July 16, sees their sound firmly rooted on the dance floor.

The thumping, retro sound possibly outdoes even the band's keyboard-drenched hits from the '80s for sheer  nostalgic dance pop.


 The first single, "Axis," is clearly a creature of the nightclub, at home among smoke machines and laser light shows. (And the video features dancing minotaurs, so full points there.) Great for a night out, or staying in to score an intense car chase featuring Knight Rider and the gang from Tron. "Bolshy" is seasoned with stern clips of Russian speech to take you back to the final years of the Cold War. "Love is a Bourgeois Construct" opens with a synth run that sounds like a digital-age update of BBC-style horn fanfare, and features a male chorus that harkens back to their early '90s take on the Village People's "Go West." Even their take on Bruce Springsteen's "The Last to Die" maintains the driving dance beat. Never has the refrain "Whose blood will spill, whose heart will break/ Who'll be the last to die for a mistake" sounded so peppy. The release will be followed with a world tour in the fall, including stops in Montreal, Toronto, Windsor and Vancouver.

Mike Miner via Electronic RSS

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