
Gilles Peterson @ Musique Non Stop | Musique Non Stop


Thursday, August 8, 2013

Gilles Peterson @ Musique Non Stop

Gilles Peterson @ Musique Non Stop

Link to Gilles Peterson

Posted: 07 Aug 2013 03:32 AM PDT

Continuing our profiles of the artists featuring on the newest edition of our Brownswood Bubblers series, today we hear from ESKA. Brownswood Bubblers Ten drops on the 19th, and you can pre-order it from these outlets:

Bandcamp / iTunes / Bleep / Juno / Amazon / Boomkat

Check the teaser for the album below:

Can you tell us a little bit about yourself please. Who are you, where are you from etc.?
My name is ESKA. I am an artist/composer/producer raised in ‘sarf eyst’ London (England), born in Bulawayo (Zimbabwe).

How would you describe your music?
A layer-cake of sonic and lyrical ideas that I hope will reveal something new on each listen.

Where do you draw your inspiration from?
Any thought or comment or sound that makes my head turn – when you feel that internal switch go ‘ooh!’. It can come at any time so you live with a notebook and dictaphone – I still like to write and doodle with a real pen in this digital age.

Whom do you count amongst your most significant influences when it comes to production?
The work of Quincy Jones shaped my ears from childhood because my Dad played a lot of his records. You look at sleevenotes on a record like ‘Sounds, And Stuff Like That’ and every track has a stellar cast collectively collaborating with Quincy to produce the most incredible soundscapes; rich, textural, classy, funky and durably exciting. The mind boggles at how he accomplished that – I can’t think of many contemporary producers who could command that level of respect from such a group of A-listers – that’s why he’s ‘The Dude’!

What releases / gigs are out there or coming soon?
My debut solo Gatekeeper EP is coming out next month on my Earthling label.

Do you have a current DJ mix or any tracks that are available for free download right now that we could point folks to?
There’ll be free downloads among other things sent to those on my mailing list. Feel free to join here >


Watch a live rendition of Gatekeeper with a choir, saw, camp-kit drum kit and singing blind dog!


Where can folks go online to check out you and your music?
For up-to-date info on releases and gigs join my mailing list https://www.facebook.com/eskaofficial/app_100265896690345.

Follow my Facebook www.facebook.com/eskaofficial and have a listen to my Soundcloud www.soundcloud.com/eskaonline .

What are you going to do after this interview?
Continue another delightful day at the office with Miss Grace Jones – I’m currently writing with her for her next album.

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