
YOSI HORIKAWA - VAPOR | Musique Non Stop


Monday, July 1, 2013



'Vapor' is the debut album from Yosi Horikawa, 16 tracks that weave together diverse sample sources, rhythms and melodies into something that defies stylistic boxing and invites you to just get lost in the music. Echoes of dance music, hip hop and musique concrete can all be found amid the sounds of nature and everyday life that underpin the grooves of the music. We've been blown away by the response to the album, with features in Japan TimesDummy MagXLR8RGroovement and the Bandcamp Weekly, as well as a mix for Solid Steel. We have a few copies of the deluxe edition of the album available at our bandcamp, which includes a 7" single, CD album and limited edition vinyl postcard. Check the pictures below - pretty nice huh? There's also a release party in Tokyo this weekend (sadly we won't be there). You can pick up the album direct from us here (the only place you can get the deluxe edition).


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