DJ Food @ Musique Non Stop | |
- John Foxx & The Belbury Circle
- Jim Mahfood Beat Bee Sessions
- ‘O Is For Orange’ AV mix for Solid Steel 25
- Comics as Paperback books
Posted: 28 Jun 2013 01:39 PM PDT
Posted: 28 Jun 2013 01:36 PM PDT
You get the impression that Jim Mahfood can pull these kind of illustrations off in his sleep, even though, some days he’s just on fire. Did you know he also has a podcast – The Beat Bee sessions – with Jane Dope and they just passed the 50th edition? |
Posted: 28 Jun 2013 03:57 AM PDT
‘O Is For Orange’ is the sound of weathered tape saturation, detuned analogue synthesisers, vinyl crackle and machine hum. It’s also the look of unfocused, flickering lenses, mirror image filters and blurry grain embedded into film. Unofficial fan films sit alongside experimental animation, public information shorts and even the odd official video. Material that BoC took inspiration from blends with their own work as well as many that they inspired. DJ Food – O Is For Orange from Solid Steel on Vimeo. I make no apologies for the quality of the vision here, some of it is only available via the web at frustratingly small sizes. In a couple of instances I’ve actually downgraded the look and quality of the image to make it blend in better and in others, even my best attempts at filtering can’t disguise the low quality of the source material. No HD or widescreen here, I’ve gone back to 4:3 for this one even though some of the clips were originally 16:9 or wider. On the Vimeo page I’ve endeavored to list as many of the videos and their respective directors as possible alongside the track list. When we’ve done video mixes in the past we’ve repeatedly found that some film makers take exception to having their work used like this, whereas few artists would email you requesting that you take their track out of a mix. I can see why, especially if a promo they’re done for one group ends up being re-edited and bolted on to a completely different track. Anyway, enough guff, thanks to everyone who inspired this mix, especially Boards of Canada, and everyone who requested that we recorded our sets for ‘A Few Old Tunes’ last week. Josh from Posthuman‘s is already up in audio form (here) and I’m reliably told that Tom Central has his waiting in the wings for next week. |
Posted: 27 Jun 2013 03:42 PM PDT
Now a design cliché whilst highlighting just how adaptable those old designs were, the object as Penguin book gets another outing here. We’ve had record sleeves, film posters and more but now it’s the turn of comics to get their chance in the spotlight. When they’re done as well as these then I don’t mind at all, more examples by Fonografiks over here. |
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