
Daughn Gibson: Me Moan – review | Musique Non Stop


Saturday, July 6, 2013

Daughn Gibson: Me Moan – review

(Sub Pop)

Daughn Gibson's first album, 2012's All Hell , re-engineered country noir with up-to-the-minute digitals, a mutant lily gilded by this Pennsylanian's crepuscular rumble. This follow-up finds the former trucker and metalhead crooning 11 more tales of perdition – such as The Pisgee Nest, about the policeman's daughter turning tricks at the behest of her boyfriend – whose unifying theme can best be summed up in the man's own words as "a swarm of bad". You Don't Fade sounds like trip hop if it were invented by Johnny Cash. Mad Ocean, meanwhile, features the least Celtic bagpipes imaginable, and digital rattlesnake beats power Kissin' on the Blacktop. Every so often, Gibson's evil Elvis bent can become a little comedic but the pitch-black pitch suits his material down to the ground.

Rating: 3/5

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