
Grimes: 'In my life, I'm a lot more weird than this' | Musique Non Stop


Saturday, October 31, 2015

Grimes: 'In my life, I'm a lot more weird than this'

Claire Boucher wants to play it cool, but as her alter ego she just can’t help standing out. Meet the woman making the most exciting pop on the planet

Claire Boucher sighs. It’s the sort of sigh that comes with an eye-roll and exasperated sub-vocal muttering. A sigh that, despite her best efforts, she can’t quite seem to suppress. She does it the first time when she hears which songs I’ve been allowed to listen to on her closely guarded fourth album Art Angels, a hyperactively eclectic record that piles up pop and dance tropes into gratifyingly alien forms.

Related: Grimes: nine days without food, sleep or company gave me Visions

Related: Best albums of 2012, No 2: Grimes – Visions

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by Rachel Aroesti via Electronic music | The Guardian

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