
East India Youth: Total Strife Forever – review | Musique Non Stop


Saturday, January 11, 2014

East India Youth: Total Strife Forever – review

(Stolen Recordings)

The album's title is a pun on Foals' Total Life Forever; the moniker comes from the London dockside locale William Doyle was living in when he crafted this choppy but assured electronic debut. Three strands coexist here. Doyle offers up shimmering passages of systems-indebted music, like opener Glitter Recession; these give way to stylishly observed club-facing workouts like Hinterland. This machine continuum is interrupted by sung electronic pop songs of a prettiness that belies the sulk of the title. Of these, Dripping Down is a beatific single that joins the dots between indie anthemics and laptop fare. The jumps between genres barely jar once you realise how good Doyle is at all of them.

Rating: 3/5

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by Kitty Empire via Music: Electronic music | theguardian.com

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