KOMPAKT.fm @ Musique Non Stop | |
- Read: Musikmittwoch mit Sano
- Listen: Dave DK in the mix for Data Transmission
- Listen: Butt Magazine presents Justus Köhncke's "Unaufmerksamkeitsblindheit"
Posted: 05 Nov 2013 07:05 AM PST
Sano erregte einiges an Aufsehen letzte Woche, als sein Debütalbum via Cómeme die Plattenregale eroberte. Das diente als perfekter Vorwand für Berlin Blog Mit Vergnügen um den Produzenten aus Medellín zum "Musikmittwoch"-Fragebogen einzuladen, wo der Künstler die gestellten Fragen mit ausgesuchten Musikvideos beantworten muß - das komplette Interview gibt's hier!
Sano turned quite a few heads with his show-stopping full-length debut released via Cómeme last week. That was a perfect excuse for Berlin blog Mit Vergnügen to invite the Medellín-bred producer for their unique "Musikmittwoch" questionnaire, where he had to provide some choice music videos as answer - get the whole (German) scoop here! |
Posted: 05 Nov 2013 06:27 AM PST
Dave DK - the man responsible for one of this summer's premier secret weapons "Palmaille" - returns to the fore with a new DJ mix for Data Transmission's podcast series. It's a rather enticing affair packed to the brim with pop-infused house and neo-romantic soundsculpting in the vein of his 20JK mix - enjoy!
Posted: 05 Nov 2013 05:50 AM PST
Head over to infamous Butt Magazine for a taste of "Unaufmerksamkeitsblindheit" from upcoming full-length "Justus Köhncke & The Wonderful Frequency Band" - the album was already in production when Kompakt's favorite dance troubadour had to record this track at the last minute to replace another title: the originally planned piece, a cover version of Marvin Gaye's "Got To Give Up" had to go because of a publishing dispute with the Gaye family. A good thing, then, that "Unaufmerksamkeitsblindheit" is such a fine cut sitting quite well with the overall dramaturgy of the album. But hear for yourself on November, 11th, when "Justus Köhncke & The Wonderful Frequency Band" hits the shelves!
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