
Washed Out: Paracosm – review | Musique Non Stop


Saturday, August 10, 2013

Washed Out: Paracosm – review

Ernest Greene of Washed Out

(Weird World)

On this record's title track there's a repeated rippling noise that sounds exactly like the sound effect used to denote the beginning of a "dream sequence" in a tongue-in-cheek movie. "Chillwave", the genre with which Washed Out, or Ernest Greene, is synonymous, was always a tongue-in-cheek name but this remains non-ironic music about nothing more interesting than vague good vibes ("Weekend's almost here now/ It's getting warmer outside"). Weightless, for example, feels just that: a pleasant sensation, but it makes you long for some ballast to alleviate the boredom.

Rating: 2/5

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by Hermione Hoby via Music: Electronic music | theguardian.com

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