Property of Gotta Dance Dirty

Back to reality, or so it seems, after another wildly successful Desert Hearts Spring Festival. The Gotta Dance Dirty crew did that dance floor dirty, with 72 hours of House, Techno, and Love, now in the rear view mirror. After several showers and a lot of naps, we’re ready to unpack the West Coast’s leading boutique festival. Noticeably warmer in the daytime than it’s Fall counterpart yet just as frigid at night, the Spring Festival celebrates the coming of the Vernal Equinox with larger than life day time vibes and interplanetary space travel by night. In other words, it was sprung! Below you’ll find our GDD™ Top 10 Moments (in no particular order) from the Desert Hearts Spring Festival that still have us reeling:

1) Latmun Brain Melter Set
After arriving a little bit later than we anticipated on Friday due to abnormally backed up entry requirements it was straight to the dance floor for us. After a mild set from Manik it was time for the big show as Latmun stepped up to the decks and delivered a real mind fuck to the unsuspecting masses. Warping his mixes and bending space and time as his solar flare like transitions illuminated the dance floor for the first, true, “Desert Hearts,” moment on the dance floor.
2) Poutine
In what was one of the greater turn of events, just around the corner from the dance floor was a Poutine vendor. For those not familiar with the traditionally Canadian dish, Poutine is a twist on french fry’s with curdled cheese and molten gravy drizzled on top. The perfect snack for a dance floor revival and just enough warm and gooey goodness to get you all hot and bothered again. The snack Gods shined down upon us for this one, and for that, we thank them.

3) The World Famous Wine & Cheese Party
The infamous Wine & Cheese Party on the dance floor has become some what of a cult sensation for those who are in the know. Complete with 15+ jugs/bags of wine, a Blonde Ale from Stone Brewery (in Keg Form), platters upon platters of the finest cheese man has to offer, grapes, crackers, and cornichons, all whilst the Desert Hearts DJ block tore up the dance floor. Keg stands and bag slaps took a hold on the GDD team as we did our best to keep our wits about us so we could survive our final night at the fest.
4) Friendly Crew Handing Out Hand Made Chapstick, Condoms and Lube
It’s no secret the kooks are a plenty out at Los Coyotes Indian Reservation but this situation proved to be kookier than most. A tribe of desert dwellers passed by our camp offering free goods and who would we be to say no. As the contents of their backpacks started pouring out we came to find just what kind treats we were in store for. An inundation of condoms and lube (more than most would need for half a year of increased sexual activity) along with flavored tootsy-rolls and “Monkey Fart” flavored chapstick. Doesn’t get much weirded than this…but for real, thanks for the chapstick. My lips were PARCHED.

5) Porkchop’s Rowdy DH Block Closing Set
Before we dive into specifics, the whole Desert Hearts DJ block crushed it. But it was Porkchop with the cherry on top that sealed the deal for a fantastic Saturday at the Reservation. It was a real treat to get hit with some blog house nostalgia as he dropped Boys Noize’s edit of Feist and then went straight into some Radiohead for those ethereal feels. If we’re going to select a peak Desert Hearts moment, it was this.
6) General Ironic Signage
You think you know totems, and then you show up to Desert Hearts and everything you knew about ironic signage appears to be child’s play. These folks don’t mess around. Around 4:30 AM on Friday night we walked past a passed out party goer in his lawn chair holding a sign that read “Best Coachella Ever.” Best Coachella ever, indeed. Our runner up “Google Us” was floating around front of house along with the arsenal of “Lee” cutouts and sayings that seemed to appear out of no where.
7) Obelus Nostra
The art surrounding the festival is always fantastic, from the painters to the builders, and even that glorious stage. A stand out for us, though, was Obelus Nostra who’s majestic stature and intricate carvings did not disappoint. The mimosa and bacon party before DJ Harvey’s set allowed some time to marvel at the structures but the real fun started when the sun went down and the LED lights worked their magic.
8) Attempting To Rally For DJ Harvey
As if a long night of dance floor hangs could keep us from the venerable DJ Harvey and his day time disco. Ok, maybe it can. To be fair, though, we mummy walked our achy bodies all the way to the dance floor to catch a glimpse of this master in action but we soon realized a thorough rest of the legs and body would serve our bodies better. We nearly hit the halfway mark before throwing in the towel for some much needed R&R ahead of the upcoming Wine & Cheese shenanigans.

9) The Bubble And Inflatable Flailing Arm Guy Machine
I can’t quite place the time that this occurred, but at some point on Friday night we turned around to notice a massive bubble rig had made it’s way to the dance floor cranking out innumerable spherical suds hovering ever so slightly above the bobbing masses. But wait, there’s more! Accompanying the magical machine was an inflatable flailing arm man towering above the crowd and swaying in the wind. We couldn’t help, at times, feeling a kindred connection to this object.
10) Post Festy Shower(s)
Now before you hate on us too much for including a non Desert Hearts moment, let’s just say washing away the weekend allowed for some intense introspection as we processed the many hours of amazing music and vibes we just took in. To all the new friends we made and all the current ones who made this one so special, thank you for your smiles and positive energy. You all left us feeling revitalized and re-energized, even if our bodies don’t feel the same.
This post [REVIEW] Top 10 Moments From The Desert Hearts Spring Festival appeared first on Gotta Dance Dirty.
via Gotta Dance Dirty