
Sivu: Something on High review delicate and restrained but not entirely convincing | Musique Non Stop


Saturday, October 11, 2014

Sivu: Something on High review delicate and restrained but not entirely convincing


James Page understands the power of emotional restraint. Troubled feelings abound on his debut album Bodies yearns for a biblical flood to cleanse the world of its ills but Page, an English songwriter who trades under the Finnish translation of his surname, tries to express them quietly, with delicate falsetto instead of Job-like howls. The production aims for James Blake levels of subtlety but frequently falls short (though songs such as Better Man Than He are undeniably catchy). Pages lyrics, too, could use some refinement; lines about staring into black nothings strive too hard to sound poetic.

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by Killian Fox via Electronic music | The Guardian

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