
Readers recommend: songs about small things | Peter Kimpton | Musique Non Stop


Thursday, May 8, 2014

Readers recommend: songs about small things | Peter Kimpton

Miniature to microscopic, little to Lilliputian, molecular to microbe, let's make musical mentions of the tiny into a mighty list

Size is, of course, relative. In Douglas Adams's The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy the fearsome space battle fleets of the G'Gugvuntts and Vl'hurgs are, due to a terrible miscalculation of scale, suddenly swallowed by a small dog. But this raises questions. Can the tiny be titanic? Is the minuscular muscular? Could nanotechnology reduce everything to grey goo? Might we glimpse a reflection of the universe in a raindrop? What is the smallest sculpture in the world, and the tiniest film? Do great changes hinge on little events? Whatever the answers, we can indeed have big thoughts about feeling small, especially in song. So from microbes to miniatures, the molecular to the microcosm, pint-sized to petite, please suggest music that makes particular mention of the small in scale - whether that be animal or vegetable, mineral or emotional. Small may be short, but this week, short, rather than long, is strong.

RR regular suzi will be this week's supreme specialist in all songs about the small, so post your nominations below by 11pm BST on Monday 12 May for suzi's big follow-up on Thursday 15 May.

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by Peter Kimpton via Electronic music | The Guardian

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