
Lightwave: a rave bracelet that will enhance your night | Musique Non Stop


Friday, April 4, 2014

Lightwave: a rave bracelet that will enhance your night

Wearable technology feeds data to DJs so they can alter lights and music depending on how much you're sweating and moving

Twas a wise man by the name of Maxi Jazz who once professed that God was in fact a DJ. And as it turns out, that wiry topless vocalist may have been right all along: a state-of-the-art wristband has been invented that allows DJs to control their audience's feelings via wearable technology.

Used at last at March's South By Southwest, those at a Pepsi sponsored music event were given a Lightwave wristband that fed real-time data back to the DJ. The information was used by the performer to adjust the lighting and track selection, enhancing the audience's experience.

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by Harriet Gibsone via Electronic music | The Guardian

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