
NPR Jazz: In Session: Frank Wess' 'Magic 201' Offers One Last Lesson | Musique Non Stop


Thursday, February 13, 2014

NPR Jazz: In Session: Frank Wess' 'Magic 201' Offers One Last Lesson

NPR Jazz: In Session: Frank Wess' 'Magic 201' Offers One Last Lesson

Link to Jazz

Posted: 11 Feb 2014 12:22 PM PST
Frank Wess.
There's something tender and specific about the ways elders like Frank Wess shaped their notes.
Frank Wess' new album, Magic 201, is a sequel to last year's similar helping of ballads and midtempo strollers, Magic 101. The new album is very nearly every bit as good, and made a little more poignant by Wess' death just before Halloween. On his last session as a leader in 2011, he was still sounding strong at 89.

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