
Musique Non Stop - Heavenly Sweetness | Musique Non Stop


Monday, February 10, 2014

Musique Non Stop - Heavenly Sweetness

Musique Non Stop - Heavenly Sweetness

Link to Heavenly Sweetness

Posted: 07 Feb 2014 03:55 AM PST

Nous avons une pensée triste pour notre ami et artiste Robert Aaron/ Vineberg, ainsi que pour sa famille.

Nous avons découvert l’affaire le reliant à la mort de  Philip Seymour Hoffman dans les médias. Concernant les questions judiciaires, nous laissons la justice américaine faire son travail, cependant nous voulions rappeler son génie créatif et sa personnalité attachante. Toutes les personnes ayant travaillé avec lui pourront en témoigner.

Nous lui apportons notre soutien dans cette difficile épreuve.
We have a sad thought for our friend and artist Robert Aaron, as well as for his family.
We discovered the affair connecting him with Philip Seymour Hoffman’s death in the media. Concerning the legal questions, we let the American justice make its work, however we wanted to remind his creative genius and his charming personality. All the people having worked with him can testify of it.

We bring him our support in this difficult event.

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